Carroll County
Economic Development


      Agricultures importance to the overall economy of Carroll County is undeniable. In 2002 cash farm receipts from agriculture totaled $54.3 million provided 682 full and part time jobs. There were 790 farms in Carroll County encompassing 120,000 acres and averaging 152 aces per farm.

      The largest segment of our agriculture industry is the production of trees(primarily conifers) sold as baled and burlap nursery stock generating approximately $40 million in 2001. the Dairy sector produced $6.1 million followed by beef Cattle at $4.12 million in cash receipts .

      Forages are the primary crop grown with 93 percent of farmers growing hay. This does not include pasture production. Fifty three percent of farmers grow corn and 39 percent grow small grains.

      Carroll County farmers are being encouraged to adopt alternative agricultural and natural resource based enterprises, alternative production systems and direct marketing . Programs as country Living Field Days and the Carroll County Farmers Market,Buy Fresh, Buy Local, Buy Carroll provides new incites into alternative farming methods and selling of agricultural food and farm products directly to the consumer. Efforts are underway to expand and promote agri-tourism in Carroll County.

For some Statistics please visit the United States Department of Agriculture

For other Agricultural information please visit a site below;
OSU Extension service

Carroll County Soil and Water

Farm Bureau

County Ag Society

United States Department of Agriculture

Farm service

Ohio Department of Agriculture

Ohio Division of Forestry

Wayne Chunat
P.O. Box 277
61 North Lisbon Street
Carrollton, Ohio 44615
Phone: (330)627-5500

Copyright Carroll County Economic Development 2008                                                                 Websites by Jennifer